Tips on How to Properly Clean Your Windows with a Squeegee – Household Tips

Among the many items that can make cleaning the house easier, the squeegee is certainly the one that best manages to combine practicality and surprising efficiency.

It is generally used when very large windows need to be treated, but it is now very popular in private homes too and it would be a shame not to use it!

So let’s take a look together at everything you need to know about using a raclette at home!

The shower

The first place you can experience all the benefits of using a squeegee is in the shower!

You will all agree that this is a part of the bathroom and the house in general where dirt is constantly present, especially on the windows.

Because when limescale forms, the glass is particularly affected and becomes matt due to water stains.

That’s why using a squeegee is essential! Simply spray a good amount of vinegar on the window, let it sit for 10 minutes and wipe off the stains with a sponge.

Finally, remove the traces of water left by the squeegee and you’re done!



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