Tips on How to Properly Clean Your Windows with a Squeegee – Household Tips

Outdoor balcony glass

Balconies are usually surrounded by walls or railings, but fully glazed balconies are also common, although very impractical!

Simply fill a bucket of lukewarm water with 1 glass of vinegar or half a glass of baking soda, dip a soft sponge into it and rub it on the affected areas; Then use the squeegee and it’s clean immediately!

For the outside of the window, mount the puller on a weight to avoid having to use too much force and stress.

Glass in window frames

Wet the glass with a microfiber cloth dampened with water and vinegar, rub it over the glass, and then wipe it with the squeegee, removing all of the water horizontally or vertically.

Once cleaning is complete, remove the thin streaks of water and the glass will shine like never before!



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