Only this can remove any stain from clothes: better than bleach

The foolproof method

Typically, when stained with wine or another liquid, you should immediately put something   powdery   like   baking soda   or   salt   on top of the dress, which tends to absorb moisture and therefore does not penetrate the fabric and damage it.

If, on the other hand, we have not done it in time, we can resort to a very effective remedy.  Baking soda   should always be placed in a tub of warm water, then we will soak the affected garment.

After a few hours of soaking, we will tend to remove the coating and see the stain disappear, but if that doesn’t happen, take some   baking soda   and combine it with   wine vinegar   and make a mixture.

This, to which you can also add   lemon juice   , should be placed on the stain and allowed to rest for a few minutes in the sun, then rubbed with a toothbrush or sponge so that the stain disappears completely.

During this operation we must be very delicate, since if it is light fabrics they could break, so be careful and we will see that our stains, even the most stubborn ones, will be swept away.

There are also other methods on the web to remove stains, depending on their nature, but this method is the most effective due to the whitening properties of baking soda.



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