Lemon plant: how to grow it in pots and always have fresh and fragrant citrus fruits

Planting Timing: The ideal time to plant or pot lemons is in early spring when temperatures stabilize. Opt for a soft, porous soil that resists water stagnation. To prevent root rot, place a layer of expanded clay at the bottom of the pot.

Repotting: Lemon trees should be repotted every two years, moving them to a larger container. For those starting from seeds, initiate with a pot having a diameter of 30-40cm.

Treatment: For seed starters, water the soil until sprouting occurs before introducing fertilizer. Once the plant reaches 20 cm in height, it can be repotted into a larger container. If you’ve purchased a lemon tree, provide consistent and more substantial watering during the summer, ensuring the soil remains consistently moist.



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