How to Grow an Orange Tree from Seeds

Seed Preparation:

The viability of orange seeds diminishes rapidly once separated from the fruit, emphasizing the need for preparedness before cutting the orange. Select seeds from a fully ripe fruit with a vibrant orange color and no traces of green, ensuring they come from healthy, unblemished fruits devoid of rot or mold. To enhance successful germination, utilize at least four orange seeds, rinsing them thoroughly in clean, cold water to eliminate residual sugars. Allow the seeds to dry on a paper towel while preparing the pots for germination.

Sowing Tips:

Achieving the correct water balance and sowing depth proves crucial for the successful germination of orange seeds. Employ a clean 6- to 10-cm pot with a minimum of two drainage holes at the base and fill it with sterile potting soil composed of equal parts crushed peat moss and small-grain perlite. Leave about 1 cm from the top, place two seeds on the surface near the center with a spacing of approximately 1 cm, and cover them with 0.5 to 1 cm of potting soil. Spritz the medium with water to settle it, ensuring proper cohesion.



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