If ants have invaded your garden or solarium and are damaging your crops, there is a simple way to drive them away. All you need is boric acid! It can be purchased at pharmacies or farm stores. In addition to helping you solve the problem of ant invasion, boron will fertilize the plants, making them bear fruit better.


-boric acid in powder form;



1. Sprinkle about <>/<> teaspoon of boric acid on the surface of the dry nest (do not water the soil beforehand). If the nest is larger, you can add more boric acid (one teaspoon), but be careful not to overdo it, so as not to negatively influence the development of the plants.

2. Then mix the boric acid with the soil, using a small shovel. Loosen the soil only superficially – to a depth of about 5-7 cm (or deeper, if there is no risk of damaging the roots of the plants). Thus, you will partially destroy the anthill.

3. Water the loose soil mixed with boric acid.

4.As a result, the ants will begin to remodel the anthill quickly. Upon contact with the boric acid in the soil, they will be destroyed. And the others will hastily leave the garden.

5.In 5 to 7 days you will notice that the ants have almost completely disappeared.

Happy gardening!