10 signs you are dehydrated and what to do

Dehydration occurs when your body loses more fluids than it takes in. It can become a serious condition if not promptly and appropriately addressed. The human body is roughly made up of 60% water, and this precious liquid is vital for maintaining various physiological processes and good health.
Recognizing the signs of dehydration is crucial because our bodies depend on water to survive, and every cell, tissue, and organ needs it to function correctly. If you think that you may not be drinking enough water, look out for the following signs of dehydration. Knowing what to do when you detect these signs can help prevent further health complications.

1. Increased Thirst and Dry Mouth
Thirst is the body’s natural response to dehydration. A dry mouth often accompanies it since there isn’t enough saliva production. If you find yourself feeling thirstier than usual or your mouth feels sticky and parched, it’s a sign that you should increase your fluid intake.
2. Dark Yellow Urine
One of the most straightforward indicators of hydration levels is the color of your urine. Clear or light-colored urine generally indicates proper hydration, while dark yellow or amber-colored urine is commonly a sign of dehydration.
3. Fatigue or Lethargy
Feeling tired or lethargic can result from dehydration because your body’s metabolic processes slow down when they lack enough water. If you haven’t exerted yourself but feel tired and sluggish, you may need to drink more water.
4. Headache
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